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Order Form

There are now 3 ways to place your order:

1. CREDIT CARD/E-CHECK via PayPal:  Please use the special PayPal order form.

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!
Now available for international users!

2. EXPRESS:  Please fill out the form below and determine what the total of your order is. Click on the "Submit" button. Send a check or money order for the proper amount to the following address. Do not wait to hear back from me. I will reserve for you what I still have in stock and issue you a refund for any cards that have sold. Make sure you include a list of the cards you want with your check or money order.

Matthew Crowder
8400 Menaul Blvd. NE A-157
Albuquerque, NM 87112 USA

3. RESERVATION:  Same as Express, except you wait to hear from me if any cards from your order are "sold out". This way you will write a check or money order for the right amount and you should not receive a refund. Send your payment to the same address.

Payment must be in U.S. funds. If you are outside the U.S. and want to send a check, it must be drawn on a U.S. bank or my bank will have a cow. :)

We cannot reply if you don't include your e-mail address.
Be careful not to hit ENTER until you're ready to submit your order.

City, State, Zip: ,
Order Type: Reservation Express
To pay securely online via PayPal use this order form
How did you first find The Oddball Mall?
If ordering a gift certificate, please
enter recipient name and amount here:

You can use all twelve lines below for your order including the first line
that has been filled in. If you are ordering more than twelve items, you can
continue your order in the Comments box below.

Comments/Promo Codes/
Player Requests:

POSTAGE/HANDLING: U.S./Canada: $0.75 for 1 card   $1.50 for 2-19 cards
$2.00 for 20+ cards   Other countries: $2.00
GRAND TOTAL:  10% discount if order over $20

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